Book on positive thinking for kids

Dr. Ed Buchanan, author of " “The Adventures of the Prickly Pear and the Happy Hoglet: Beginning the Journey of the Mental Ninja,” discusses his book about the power of positive thinking for kids.
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Book on positive thinking for kids

Well I find that there’s a lot of books published for adults about how to change your life, how to be a more positive person, how to be a more positive thinker, how to be a more successful. And they all relate to changing your interpretation of your environment and thinking of things in a more positive light. However, these pathways that you develop in order to do that really are formed when you’re young. And so for me, I felt that there was an absence in educational materials for parents to use to try to help their children to develop these mental pathways early on so that when they’re dealing with life situations they can try to modify the way they feel about them and therefore think about things in a more positive light. So the book is entitled The Adventures of the Prickly Pear and the Happy Hoglet. Essentially what the book does is it takes two school-aged characters on a journey through a day in their life in school. And each one of them experiences things very differently. And the question is why do they do that? And by the end of the book you realize that they’re just interpreting the experiences differently. And my hope is that parents will read this to their children and help them do the same things in their own life.

Dr. Ed Buchanan, author of " “The Adventures of the Prickly Pear and the Happy Hoglet: Beginning the Journey of the Mental Ninja,” discusses his book about the power of positive thinking for kids.


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Edward Buchanan

Pediatric Plastic Surgeon & Author

Dr. Edward P. Buchanan is an Assistant Professor of Surgery in the Division of Plastic Surgery at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas.  He is the Chief of Cleft and Craniofacial Surgery at Texas Children’s Hospital. Before coming to Houston, he trained in Plastic Surgery at Stanford University and did further training in Pediatric Plastic Surgery and Craniofacial Surgery at Seattle Children’s Hospital in Seattle, Washington.  Although he performs all kinds of Plastic and Pediatric Plastic Surgery, his main focus of practice is Cleft Lip and Palate Surgery as well as Craniofacial Surgery.When he is not in Houston, Dr. Buchanan enjoys traveling to countries across the globe to teach and learn from other surgeons.  His most recent trip was to Lilongwe, Malawi, where he was a member of the Texas Children’s Hospital Global Surgical Initiative to help perform and teach Cleft and Pediatric Plastic Surgery.He recently wrote a children’s book entitled, “The Adventures of the Prickly Pear and the Happy Hoglet: Beginning the Journey of the Mental Ninja.” The book is intended to help children begin to develop a healthy self-image so that they can begin their Journey to becoming Mental Ninja’s (  The story was inspired by the children and family’s Dr. Buchanan has cared for over the years. 

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