Many parents dread the day their teenager will acquire their first real ticket to and taste of freedom: their driver’s license. While most teenagers are counting down the days, parents feel understandably hesitant about their teen getting behind the wheel and controlling a 2-ton hunk of metal.
The holiday season starts with everyone’s favorite food-centered holiday: Thanksgiving. The only holiday of the season that is not tied to a specific religion, people from a variety of backgrounds living in the United States celebrate Thanksgiving with their family and friends.
In recent years, many children have been getting the whole week off from school, and having the kids at home the whole week can make it difficult to prepare for Thanksgiving, especially if you are hosting. There is a lot that needs to be done when preparing your house for Thanksgiving visitors, and if you try and get your kids involved with holiday prep, not only will they feel more included in the festivities, but you will get some much-needed help!
Toddlers and children in early elementary school are little sponges when it comes to learning. We try to optimize this by going over flashcards, learning basics, and utilizing educations apps and TV shows. But outside of traditional knowledge that kids should be learning, we should also make sure to instill good health habits to make sure they live long healthy lives.
Parenting teens can be one of the biggest challenges you will face in raising children. They are at that age where they are starting to look grown up, act grown up, and want to be treated like a grown up. But the truth is they aren’t adults yet, and your job as a parent is to prepare them to be adults as best you can. It can be hard to delicately and appropriately address issues when they are wanting to rebel against authority and make their own way in the world.
It’s always an emotional rollercoaster when a child enters their first year of school. For the majority of children, that first year is kindergarten. All kids process the idea of going to kindergarten differently, but one common feeling is apprehension. Going to school is a whole new world, especially for kids who have a stay-at-home parent, and the idea of being away from their parents in a place they are unfamiliar with for a significant part of the day can be scary.
School is officially out for the summer, and you’ve got roughly two months of kids at home to think about. Kids these days have so much technology at their fingertips, it’s hard to break them away from it. Television, computers, tablets, cell phones, video games — this generation of kids has more tech access than any previous generation. With this constant access, technology is having a significant impact on children, much of which can be viewed as negative.
Moving is never an easy task for anyone. There are so many things to do and keep track of that there’s no time to really take a break and relax. But however stressful you feel it is for you, it’s a whole different kind of stress for your children. While you might see a move as a necessity and even something to look forward to, your child is worried about leaving behind their home, their school, their friends, and the comfort of familiarity.
Parents through the ages have had one consistent thing in common - worrying about the safety and well-being of their kids. The sources that bring about those concerns, though, have varied widely, especially in the last 100 years with technology advancing as fast as it has. Even in the last 10 years, technology has changed so much with the creation and overwhelming success of the first iPhone (and subsequent other smartphones) and smart devices created since. It seems everyone has a smartphone, and even young kids and teens seem to have them in overwhelming numbers.
Choosing to homeschool your children is a choice that comes with a lot of weighing of pros and cons. It’s also fueled with very strong opinions for and against it. Even if you feel strong in your choice, there is always that thought in the back of your mind “are my kids missing out on certain experiences they can only get in school?”
Parents of high school seniors know it’s not only the holiday season right now, it’s college application season as well. Students across the country are looking at colleges to send their applications to and are rushing to take SATs and ACTs. Many parents and teens automatically look into brick and mortar schools, but there is a whole other style of college you and your teen might look into - online education.