Why good grades alone won't get your child into college

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Why good grades alone won't get your child into college | Kids in the House
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Why good grades alone won't get your child into college

Your girl, who had perfect grades, might not have gotten in because of that; because she's a girl. I don't want to sound sexist, but girls are known for being better students and because of that, there's more competition between girls. Also, she might not have been involved in an unusual enough activity. She might have just been the Captain of the soccer team or the Editor of the yearbook. In the old days, that used to sound great. We thought of that as a bright, well-rounded kid. Parents used to think that if you had a bright, well-rounded kid like the Editor of the yearbook, the Captain of the soccer team, fifty hours of community service, volunteering at the aquarium; that was good enough. Now there are parents that have branded their kids, starting at an early age in response to the extreme marketing that colleges have done. Another part of that is that perfect grades need to be in the most difficult courses. So your daughter might not have gotten in because her "A" grades were in easier courses; whereas, another girl may have taken twenty-six APs and have a 5.8 GPA, while your daughter's is just 4.2. Of course, testing counts and the whole rest of the resume does as well.

See JD Rothman's video on Why good grades alone won't get your child into college...


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JD Rothman

Author, Blogger & College Pundit

JD Rothman, the author of the L.A. Times bestseller The Neurotic Parent's Guide to College Admissions, started her popular satirical blog TheNeuroticParent.com while on an eight-state college tour with her older son. She frequently appears on panels with admission officers, and blogs about the insanity of the college process for the Huffington Post. A former instructor of remedial freshman composition, Rothman's day job is as an Emmy-winning children's television writer, producer and lyricist, but she also has a famous blog satirizing the college admissions process, www.theneuroticparent.com. In 2012 the blog morphed into the LA Times Bestseller, "The Neurotic Parent's Guide to College Admissions." She grew up in Brooklyn, and resided in several Latin American countries before settling in Santa Monica, where she and her husband live in their emptying nest. She prepared for none of her careers in college.

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