Advice for sleepovers

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Advice for sleepovers

Here's the thing about sleepovers. They're great for kids. And they're terrible for parents. Kids are not guaranteed a sleepover every weekend. They should be reserved for special occasions. Because the truth is, your kid is going to be wrecked the next day. So instead of making it something your kids always assume they're going to be able to do, save it for a really special occasion. And in that case, you can let them stay up a little bit later, you can let them have fun. But if it's an every weekend occurrence, you're going to have a kid who's useless the next day. And sleepovers with more than two kids, you can pretty much lop off an extra hour a night for every extra kid you have. So be careful about those group sleepovers because no one's goingto be happy the next day.

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Jane Buckingham

Author & Trend Forecaster

Jane Buckingham is the author of the best selling book series The Modern Girl’s Guide to Life, The Modern Girl’s Guide to Motherhood, The Modern Girl’s Guide to Sticky Situations and the The Modern Girl’s Guide to Raising Decent Daughters ( Buckingham was the host of The Modern Girl’s Guide to Life on The Style Network and is a regular contributor to Good Morning America. She is the founder and CEO of Trendera, one of the countries foremost trend forecasting and consulting agencies, working for companies including Gap, Hilton, Cosmopolitan Magazine, Fox, Paramount, and many others. She is the proud mother of a decent 11-year-old son and decent nine-year-old daughter.  

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