Stages of grief after miscarriage

Grief and Loss Specialist Claire Chew Gillenson, MA, shares advice for women on the different stages of grief that occur after a miscarriage and how to get through them
The Stages of Grief Following a Miscarriage -
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Stages of grief after miscarriage

According to Elizabeth Cooper Ross, the pioneer of grief and loss, there are five stages of grief that everybody goes through. In a miscarriage, in your ebb and flow, some of these stages may or may not apply. The first one is denial. Then comes anger. Then comes bargaining. Then comes depression and acceptance. What may or may not resonate is the bargaining one and you may find yourself, instead of bargaining -- having gone through a miscarriage -- is sometimes a feeling of guilt and sometimes a feeling of over-responsibility. It is really important at any of these stages of grief and loss, to really allow any of the emotions to come up and to recognize that you are not at fault and you are not to blame.
PREGNANCY, Miscarriage and Loss

Grief and Loss Specialist Claire Chew Gillenson, MA, shares advice for women on the different stages of grief that occur after a miscarriage and how to get through them


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Claire Chew, MA

Grief & Loss Specialist

Claire Chew is a Life Transformation/Grief Coach based in Los Angeles, serving clients locally in Southern California and globally via Skype. Her work has been featured in Marie Claire, InStyle, Martha Stewart's Living, Body + Soul, and on Good Morning America. Claire brings an integrative approach to her life coaching, melding Eastern and Western philosophies with a focus on the whole of our being: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Her proven methods help empower individuals to create their own joy and happiness while moving through life transitions. Claire specializes in grief that is not part of mainstream conversations: pet loss, miscarriage, pregnancy loss, suicide and recovery. A published author, speaker and educator, she is the founder of Luxepets.

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