Seeking help for paternal postnatal depression.

Psychotherapist Will Courtenay, PhD, offers help for men seeking support for paternal postnatal depression on how to look at your depression and seek treatment for it
Support For Postnatal Depression In Men -
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Seeking help for paternal postnatal depression.

The most important thing to remember about postpartum depression in fathers is that all of the negative consequences are preventable. Although, it's a serious condition and sometimes, life threatening; a man who gets proper support and treatment for it, can completely recover. It is important for man to know that depression is a medical condition. It is not a weakness of character. Admitting depression is not admitting defeat, it is actually taking charge of your life. In terms of treatment, there are all kinds of treatment that range from the tradition medical treatments to the alternative treatments and a man should probably talk to a mental health provider about those options. Research shows that talk therapy and talk therapy in conjunction with medication, is effective in treating depression. The most important thing to remember is for a man to get help, and preferably, from someone who has experience with men. We mental health clinicians are human. We grew up with the same stereotypes that everyone else did. We are less likely to correctly diagnose depression in men then in women. Seeing someone how has some expertise and experience in working with men, is valuable.

Psychotherapist Will Courtenay, PhD, offers help for men seeking support for paternal postnatal depression on how to look at your depression and seek treatment for it


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Will Courtenay, PhD


Dr. Will Courtenay, “The Men’s Doc,” is an internationally recognized expert in helping boys, men and fathers, and a psychotherapist, consultant, distinguished author, researcher, keynote speaker, radio host, and consultant to and speaker at schools and universities. His new book is titled Dying To Be Men. The American Psychological Association calls him, “a leading psychologist in the field of masculinity” and Who’s Who in America calls him a “foremost achiever in his field.” As one of the world’s leading innovators in the health of boys and men, he has a documented history of success in shaping and promoting this new field, as well as new perspectives on fatherhood, boyhood, and masculinity. Dr. Courtenay received his PhD from the University of California at Berkeley and has served on the clinical faculty in the Department of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and the University of California, San Francisco, Medical School. He is the Founding Editor of the International Journal of Men's Health. Dr. Courtenay is a powerful, effective voice about boys and men, heard nationally on radio and television – including CNN, Good Morning America, World News, Fox News, ABC News, NBC News – and seen in print – including NY Times, LA Times, Wall Street Journal, U.S. News & World Report, NPR, Newsweek, USA Today, and Chicago Tribune. Dr. Courtenay is a contributor to Esquire Magazine.

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