The best value toys that every child loves

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The best value toys that every child loves


We’ve looked hard at what toys are the best value for parents. The toys that cost a lot of money, and you may get sticker-shock a little bit, but the kids are going to play with for years to come. And we talked to 300K moms at Red Tricycle, so we really got the best advice of toys that they played with for years. So, to go down the list, the number 1 toy that parents think is worth the investment because the kids will keep it for a long time, is a scoot bike. Number 2 is a doll house. If you think about doll houses, kids play with them from when they’re 2 years old until, possibly 10 years old. So, you’ll get 8 years. Sometimes, when you look at the price of a doll house in a toy store, it’s mind-boggling, but for a kid to play with it for 8 years, and then they keep the doll house, and they hand it down to their kids, as well, so not only is it an investment for your current child, but also your grandchildren. Other items on our list: Train table, an art easel and art supplies are a great investment. A musical instrument. Legos, we found, are a great investment. The price of a box of Legos is somewhat shocking, but kids play with it for a long time. Magnatiles, another good investment. And lastly is a play kitchen set. Both boys and girls love pretending they’re Mom and Dad, and cooking food, and going through the refrigerator, and playing with the kitchen set for a very long time.

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Expert Bio

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Jacqui Boland

CEO & Founder of Red Tricycle

A 15-year media veteran, Jacqui helped launch a slew of media properties for Reed Elsevier, Meredith Corporation, Miller Publishing and San Francisco magazine. Prior to media, Jacqui worked in Public Relations and counted Ringling Bros Circus and Walt Disney’s World on Ice among her clients. Her start-up experience includes (an airbnb predecessor) and Breathe, a yoga lifestyle company. When not running Red Tricycle, she helps manage her six-year-old’s growing lemonade stand empire.

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