Taking care of yourself when your child has a disability

One of the most common things overlooked while raising a child with a learning disability is the parent not taking the time to take care of themselves. In some cases, this just just as important as you want to avoid being burnt out.
Taking care of yourself when your child has a disability | Kids in the House
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Taking care of yourself when your child has a disability


One of the most common things overlooked while raising a child with a learning disability is the parent not taking the time to take care of themselves. In some cases, this just just as important as you want to avoid being burnt out.


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Elaine Taylor-Klaus, PCC

Parenting Coach

Elaine Taylor-Klaus is a change agent: a mother of 3 complex kids, a parent educator, a writer, a health care advocate, a community entrepreneur, a public speaker, a facilitator, and a compassionate listener. She is also a certified professional coach, providing support for families around the globe raising children with complex needs.

Elaine feels passionately that parents deserve compassionate guidance and effective skills when raising “complex” children. She coaches and trains parents to take a “coach-approach” to parenting, empowering their children to lead independent, fulfilling lives.

The co-founder and CEO of ImpactADHD.com, a virtual training and coaching resource for parents of kids with ADHD and related challenges, Elaine is a writer for publications like Huffington Post, Attention and ADDitude magazines. A regular presenter at national conferences, such as CHADD (Children & Adults with ADD) and the LDA (Learning Disability Association of America), she serves on the national Board of Directors of CHADD, chairing the Membership committee. She also serves as an expert voice for parents as part of Pfizer’s Making Moments education campaign.

Prior to coaching, Elaine served for 8 years on the Executive Committee of Georgia’s Governor's Council for Maternal and Infant Health, and worked in the field of women’s health care on a national level. She is a graduate of Wesleyan University in CT, a CORO Fellowship, and CTI’s Co-Active Leadership Program, and is part of Georgia State University’s Activist Women’s Archives.

Elaine is the mom in an ADHD Family of Five, living in Atlanta, GA with her children and husband, David Taylor-Klaus of DTKCoaching.

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