Milestones and tips for 16-year-old girls

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Milestones and tips for 16-year-old girls | Kids in the House
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Milestones and tips for 16-year-old girls

At 16, your daughter is putting down roots and growing wings. She is growing in her independence and she is also growing in her capacity for empathy including with you. Her capacity for critical thinking is growing and she can see things from another person’s point of view more easily. At 16, girls are often very busy with all their interest and activities so to connect with your daughter at 16, it can be great to do some things that let you catch your breath together like going for a pedicure or a hot tub. She also will really appreciate it if after she gets home from her baby sitting job or her waitressing, she has you to offer to give her a foot massage or while she is doing the dishes, if you offer to help her out and it's a great time to connect with her as well. If she is involved in a romantic relationship, talk to her about what your values are about sexuality and relationships. At 16, your daughter really cares on what you think but she will be making her own sexual choices. Another great way to connect with your daughter at 16 is to eat out with her. You have a longer period of time when you eat out in a restaurant while you're waiting for your food.
TEEN, Health and Development

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SuEllen Hamkins, MD

Psychiatrist & Author

SuEllen Hamkins, MD, is a psychiatrist, author and founding member of the Mother-Daughter Project, a community of women and girls that developed powerful, practical ways to help mothers and daughters stay connected and thrive through adolescence. Co-author of The Mother-Daughter Project: How Mothers and Daughters Can Band Together, Beat the Odds and Thrive Through Adolescence, Dr. Hamkins has given numerous presentations for parents and psychotherapists around the world, focusing on mothers, daughters, their relationships and the kinds of communities that nurture them.  As the psychiatrist for the Smith College Counseling Service from 1992-2004, SuEllen offered consultation to over a thousand women ages 16 to 23 to help them resist and overcome problems such as anorexia, bulimia, depression, anxiety, trauma, assault, and self-injury.  In addition to her work on behalf of mothers and daughters, as the Assistant Director for Psychiatry at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, she has been instrumental in developing strengths-based, narrative approaches to psychotherapy and psychiatric practice, helping people cultivate their values and strengths in the face of serious difficulties.  SuEllen is the mother of two daughters, now 17 and 22, and raising them has been the most thrilling and rewarding work of her life. She lives with her husband and younger daughter in western Massachusetts, where they love to swim outdoors, cross country ski, shoe snow, dance, cook and lounge around in the living room, reading. 

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