Tips to prevent risky teen behavior

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Tips to prevent risky teen behavior

There's bad news and there's good news. The bad news, in terms of prevention in substance abuse in teenagers, is that you can't 100 percent prevent it. There is experimentation going on at very early ages. One of the most important things we need to do is to talk to our children much earlier than we would like to much earlier than we would like to about these sensitive subjects. We need to start talking to them about the risks of substance abuse, sexual activity and all the other things that kids can get into before they are likely to engage in the activity. Once they come of an age where they are already exposed to substance abuse, for example, it's getting a little late to be starting these conversations. In the late elementary years, we need to be talking to our kids. We need them to understand that they may be really clear or black and white about in Fourth or Fifth Grade. "I would never use drugs." Well, in Eighth or Ninth Grade, those black and white areas become sort of grey. They are influenced by peer culture, so certainly, being in touch with who your kids are hanging out with, connecting with other parents. Making sure they are going to places that are supervised by other adult and that those adults are responsible, and that those adults are in not providing alcohol to the children, because that can happen. Those early conversations about risk taking behaviors and letting kids know that when they get in trouble, keeping those lines of communication open. Number one, stay calm and try not to be judgmental because that is what's going to keep those lines of communication open.

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Kelley King

Educational Consultant & Author

Kelley King has been a K-12 public school educator for over 25 years with work in the areas of school administration, gifted education and special education. Kelley is currently the Associate Director of the Gurian Institute and provides on-site and online workshops for parents and teachers internationally. Kelley is a co-author, with Michael Gurian and Kathy Stevens, of two books on education: Strategies for Teachings Boys and Girls: A Workbook for Elementary Educators and Strategies for Teaching Boys and Girls: A Workbook for Secondary Educators. Kelley finished her third book entitled Writing the Playbook, a guide for principals on creating schools that honor the unique strengths and characteristics of boys. Kelley is the mother of an 18-year-old son and a 16-year-old daughter.

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