Best advice for teen parenthood

Lauri Burns, Founder of the Teen Project, shares advice for teen moms and parents of teen moms on the best steps to take in order to be successful in life
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Best advice for teen parenthood

I was a teen mom. so if you are a teen mom, the greatest thing I can tell you is to prepare your life for success now. I'm an IT consultant, and many times when studying for my career and taking tests, I failed the tests. But I would not accept failure as an option. I would keep on taking the same test over and over again. If I had to take it a day after a day until I passed that test. So if you are a teen mom, go online, look at the possible careers that you can do. Online college or from home, and study up. And get yourself certified in something so that you can be a success going forward. Because when you look back at what you did, you will always, always be thankful for that. If you are the parent of a teen mom, the best thing you can do is not to become the parent of their child, because you will be setting them up for failure. Do not take over the responsibility as the parent. Remember you are the grandparent, and allow them to learn to be the parent themselves. Now. For the future.

Lauri Burns, Founder of the Teen Project, shares advice for teen moms and parents of teen moms on the best steps to take in order to be successful in life


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Lauri Burns

Teen Project Founder & Author

Lauri Burns was once a “system kid”, a heroin addict and a prostitute. She is now a self-made success: a foster mom, the founder of one of the most recognized new charities in the US, the owner of an Information Technology firm, and author of Punished for Purpose, which chronicles her life struggles and the formula she used to become a success.

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