How to cope with empty nest syndrome

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How to cope with empty nest syndrome | Kids in the House
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How to cope with empty nest syndrome

The empty nest syndrome is when you're child is leaving, whether it's to find their own place in life or to go away to college. The example for me is my daughter when she was applying for colleges. She applied to only schools outside of California, which is where we lived and so I knew that she was going to leave me and empty nest syndrome was going to take place and I didn't want that to happen. So, I said, "Okay. What am I going to do?" I made a list of all the things that I wanted to do before she was born. I was dedicated to her for all of her life, 18 years before she was going away to college and so I had really almost forgotten what I wanted to do but as I made that list and it was things like traveling, and taking classes, and going out with friends that when I got her all tucked away in college that I was able to start on my list and I'm enjoying it.
TEEN, Responsibilities, Moving Out

See Linda Gant's video on How to cope with empty nest syndrome...


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Linda Gant

Mom & Caretaker

Linda Joy Gant’s life mission and passion is to blend borders and cultures locally and around the world using the language of the arts, music and travel. Linda is a business owner of LJoy Travel, specializing in tours to Asia. As an Agape Licensed Spiritual Practitioner, Linda provides her clients with counseling and life coach services. Her services, seminars and training include strategies for developing life and business missions. Linda is a mother, grandmother, sister and a loving caregiver to her mother. 

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