What teen parents should know
Parenting expert Aaliyah Noble shares advice for adult parents and teen parents regarding how to be a successful parent while also being a successful student
Adult parents and teen parents differ and they need different information.
Teen parents can really benefit from someone telling them what questions to ask in the beginning as they go through pregnancy, and also, parenting. Mostly pregnancy and giving birth, whether they are going to circumcise, immunize, all of those things, so they know those are decisions that they can make.
Another thing they can benefit from is tips on how to become a successful parent while, simultaneously, being a successful student. The other one is how to assert themselves as parents. Period. They need to be able to make the big decisions like breastfeeding and not to feel insecure about breastfeeding around their friends or family.
The last thing is that teens usually don't have the greatest diets. They could really benefit on lessons on nutrition and how to feed their babies and give them good nutrition for the rest of their lives.
Parenting expert Aaliyah Noble shares advice for adult parents and teen parents regarding how to be a successful parent while also being a successful student
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Aaliyah NobleSingle Mom
Aaliyah Noble is the single mother of a six year-old son. Despite having her son when she was just a teenager, Aaliyah has had a successful career in the non-profit sector, helping to educate and empower teen parents, and also in production, spearheading a company that produces documentaries and short films.
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