Is it OK that my baby falls asleep while nursing?

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Is it OK that my baby falls asleep while nursing? | Kids in the House
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Is it OK that my baby falls asleep while nursing?

If you cannot put your baby to sleep without nursing him, you may want to try a few things. You may want to try nursing the baby and then putting the child to sleep before he is actually asleep on you. Also, it is okay if that is the way you want to do things. Always remember that it is up to you. The habits that you create now are going to be the habits through the baby´s young years. If it is okay with you and it doesn´t bother you to do it now, that is fine. But think ahead. If I do this every night with the baby, in six months from now am I going to want to continue it? If the answer is now, then you need to find another solution. If the answer is yes, I don´t mind, then it is okay. If the answer is no, try things such as feed the baby, make sure the baby is awake while feeding, then burp the child, then lay the child down so that they get a clear distinction between when it is time to feed and when it is time to rest. That is my advice to you.

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Andra Clark

Doula & Mom

Andra is a mom of a 15 month-old, a business owner and a doula. In her free time she loves the outdoors. She enjoys camping with her family in their 1985 old-school motor home, listening to her collection of records, swimming, barbequeing, fishing, boating, shooting guns at the firing range, reading, dancing, doing yoga, and playing music (as she is also a musician and actress). She is a tomboy with a girly flare and very much a free spirit. Her daughter is her heart and soul and truly her very best friend, besides her husband. Her family loves to be together, sharing in spontaneous adventures!

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