Adopt babies

Do adoptive families keep ongoing relationships with birth families? For answers to this and much more, hear what adoption attorney Stephen Ravel has to say about his experiences in this career and how the adoption process works.
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Adopt babies

I think that there is a tendency, over a period of time, for the adoptive parents and the birth family to try and keep in contact. I see that more commonly now than when I did when I first started doing this practice. I think it's probably a good thing in a lot of different ways. If a child has a medical condition that comes up, you are able to contact the birth parents to see if there is some genetic component to that. There is some wholeness to the child, that they are able to have some connection to their biological family. You don't want it to be a situation where the child has no idea at all about what their genetic background may be. What their birth mother or birth father is like? Why did they do it? Those are questions that any adopted child is going to have. I think it's good if they are able to have honest answers to those questions, rather than to fantasize about it.

Do adoptive families keep ongoing relationships with birth families? For answers to this and much more, hear what adoption attorney Stephen Ravel has to say about his experiences in this career and how the adoption process works.


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Stephen Ravel

Adoption Attorney

Stephen Ravel attended UC Berkley for his undergraduate degree and Santa Clara Law School for his law degree. Stephen has been an attorney since 1973, and has been involved with adoption law since 1984. He has handled over 1,300 adoptions since the start of his career. Stephen is married and has three children. His oldest child was adopted from Brazil at birth.

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