Essential guidelines for kids and email

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Essential guidelines for kids and email | Kids in the House
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Essential guidelines for kids and email

So, to prepare your kids for an upper elementary school, I have a couple of suggestions, First, you gotta get smart yourself and you should go online to our site and read some parent tips about how to prepare kids for cell phone use or the issues around the internet. But then there's something really practical you can do. We have something called the digital passport. And it's essentialy onboarding to the internet for kids in grades 3 through 5 and that's about the time these days kids are going online, kind of independently, both in school and at home and what it is, it's a really fun and engaging set of mini games that teach kids the basic rules of the road, issues of privacy, how not to cyberbully, how to respect creative work. Also, have to search effectively on the internet and how to deal with cell phones and make sure that they are paying attention to you when you call them to dinner. Kids play a bunch of mini games, they are 5 or 6 of these and for each game, they get a badge and when they've finished all the games, they have a digital passport. And that's the way that you know that they've learned the basics to go online.

See Linda Burch, MBA's video on Essential guidelines for kids and email...


Expert Bio

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Linda Burch, MBA

Chief Education & Strategy Officer

Linda Burch is a co-founder and the Chief Education and Strategy Officer of Common Sense Media, a not-for-profit dedicated to improving the lives of kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and the independent voice they need to thrive in a world of media and technology. Linda leads Common Sense Media’s education efforts, new program and strategy development.   She is the architect of Common Sense Media’s K-12 Digital Literacy and Citizenship program that is now being used in over 35,000 schools across the country.  Her current focus is on steering strategic development of Common Sense Media’s new learning ratings initiative and establishing international partnerships to bring Common Sense Media’s digital literacy and citizenship programs to countries around the globe.   

Prior to Common Sense, Linda was Senior Vice President of Business Development and Corporate Planning at SyStemix, a biotechnology company that she helped build and then sold to Novartis. From 1985 to 1990 she was a strategic management consultant at McKinsey & Company in New York, where she served healthcare and consumer-products companies and prior to that she spent five years in investment banking at Bear Stearns and Merrill Lynch, where she negotiated joint ventures between U.S. technology companies and the People's Republic of China.  Linda received her MBA from Stanford University and her bachelor's degree from Yale.  She has two kids who love media as much as they love being outside.




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