Setting boundaries with your teenagers
See Patty Robinson Smith's video on Setting boundaries with your teenagers...
Teenagers like to say, "You're the only mom that doesn't let me do this. Everybody else gets to stay out late," or gets to go here and do this. Well, you know what? My answer is, they are not your child. Sometimes I even go so far as to say, "They must not love your kid as much as I love you because I don't want you doing those things. Those things are not safe. They are putting you in harms way, and I want you here with me."
A lot of issues with teenagers, can I stay out later? Can I go to the party? Why can't I go to so-and-so's house when their parents aren't home? The issues are all about safety. You know what? I'm their parent. Mr. and Mrs. Jones are not their parents and their decisions are not mine. When they grow up and they are adults, they can make their own decisions.
They are part of my family know and they have rules and regulations.
See Patty Robinson Smith's video on Setting boundaries with your teenagers...
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Patty Robinson SmithMom of Teens
Patty Robinson Smith is a California native from Riverside. She is happily married to a former professional volleyball player, they have three sons together. Patty also has a twin brother. In her free time she enjoys the outdoors, playing beach volleyball and tennis. But most of all, Patty enjoys spending time with her family and being a mother.
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