Staying involved with what your teen is learning in school

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Staying involved with what your teen is learning in school

Teenagers and homework in High School. There are many times where I cannot help them with their homework. Their math is -- They do math completely differently than what I did. Luckily, my husband is fabulous in math. Ways to get involved in their education is you ask them how was their day, what did they do that day. My kids go to a Jesuit High School and they learn Theology. The other courses are History, Math, and Language. It's interesting to get into the discussion about the philosophy that they are learning in their Theology classes. What they are learning in their History classes that applies to our life now. History does repeat itself, also, so you can bring in all those aspects. The campaigns for presidents, we are starting to get into all that now and they are learning about presidents. A lot of the things apply to our lives now, so it's interesting conversations to say, "Hey, look at what's happening now. What do you think?" I do have a funny story about my teenage sons. When they write papers and have me proofread them, I often put in a little something like, "I owe it all to my mother," or "My mother is fabulous." They go to this all boys school, so they have to go back and proofread their papers. It would not be good to have something in there like that. You just have to engage them in conversation about their education because it is important to learn about what they are doing.

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Patty Robinson Smith

Mom of Teens

Patty Robinson Smith is a California native from Riverside. She is happily married to a former professional volleyball player, they have three sons together. Patty also has a twin brother. In her free time she enjoys the outdoors, playing beach volleyball and tennis. But most of all, Patty enjoys spending time with her family and being a mother.

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