Tips on keeping your teens safe

Learn about: Tips on keeping your teens safe from Patty Robinson Smith,...
Tips on keeping your teens safe | Kids in the House
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Tips on keeping your teens safe

Safety starts when they are little. You want to keep them safe from rolling off the changing table, from running in the street, touching something that is hot. You want to keep them safe from getting in the car with someone who is a reckless driver that has been drinking or doing drugs. You want to keep them safe forever. I don't know a mother who doesn't want to keep their child safe. I think they way to keep them safe without instituting too many rules is to tell them stories about what happened. We see it all the time. Kids get in cars with people who are reckless because of one situation or another, drinking and driving, music too loud, driving too fast. They get in an accident and somebody dies. Kids hear that and it makes a big impact. You keep them safe also, don't make foolish choices, don't always be the clown, be the one who can say no, be the one who can be the leader. You lead by example as well. Don't be reckless and your child won't be reckless as well.
TEEN, Parenting Teens

Learn about: Tips on keeping your teens safe from Patty Robinson Smith,...


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Patty Robinson Smith

Mom of Teens

Patty Robinson Smith is a California native from Riverside. She is happily married to a former professional volleyball player, they have three sons together. Patty also has a twin brother. In her free time she enjoys the outdoors, playing beach volleyball and tennis. But most of all, Patty enjoys spending time with her family and being a mother.

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