When your child is dating someone you don't approve of

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When your child is dating someone you don't approve of | Kids in the House
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When your child is dating someone you don't approve of

Teenagers and dating. Well, if your teenager is dating someone you don't approve of, there has to be a reason why your child likes that person. You should probably try and investigate more. A lot of times, when you meet someone, you get a wrong impression, you buy into someone else's story that is not always true, you have to trust that your child -- in my case, my son -- has a reason for liking this girl and you have to give her a chance. I do think that instinct, especially for a mother, there's a lot to be said for that. You get to know her, get to know her family, have her over for dinner and, sort of, see. I know that when I didn't always listen to my parents about what they thought of my boyfriends at the time. Those boyfriends didn't really last. They knew better than I knew. You have to let your child make those choices. I have told him that I don't want him to be friends with certain girls on Facebook because they are trouble. He asked, "Why?" I said, "Because I said so." That's it. I haven't checked his Facebook to see if he's friends with them, but he's not dating them so that's a good thing, I guess.

See Patty Robinson Smith's video on When your child is dating someone you don't approve of...


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Patty Robinson Smith

Mom of Teens

Patty Robinson Smith is a California native from Riverside. She is happily married to a former professional volleyball player, they have three sons together. Patty also has a twin brother. In her free time she enjoys the outdoors, playing beach volleyball and tennis. But most of all, Patty enjoys spending time with her family and being a mother.

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