Proper application of condoms

Health Educator, Minerva Cano, shares advice on the proper application and how to use condoms in order to ensure their maximum effectiveness
Proper Application And Use Of Condoms - Family Planning Advice
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Proper application of condoms

One of the barrier methods that can be used and it is something I encourage every parent to do is to teach their child how to use a male condom, a female condom and a latex barrier. We can go over the male condom first. Male condoms come in a variety of sizes and textures and materials. This can be embarrassing for us as parents to teach our children how to do this but it's very important because it is very important because it helps to protect their sexual and reproductive health. One of the things you can use you don't have to have real Penis model which is what I have. However you can use a cucumber or a banana to be able to show them how to properly use them. It is important that they see them prior to use them for the very first time. Okay, so the way that we have them is to check on the expiration date. We have to see what kind of material they are made out of and we have to see if there were a little bit of air inside their pocket. We open them without tips of our hands, we do not use our teeth or we don't use scissors in order to open them. We might be very careful when we are opening the packages. Gently you bring down the packaging and some of them have a tip on them as you can see here. Not all of them do, but it's important to have a tip or leave some space at the top of the condom. We also want to make sure that they are rolled in the proper way so that so we can use as gently as we can see here it can roll down. One of the things we like to encourage is to use lubrication. Lubrication can be done with water based lubricant only, not oil based lubricant. Oil based will rupture the material on the condom itself. For some males they miss the moisture inside the condoms, so you can add a little drop right there into the condom. Than what we want to do is squeeze the top of the condom and when the penis is erect, we place it on the top of the penis and roll it all the way to the base. We want to have some space at the top of the condom that is going to hold the ejaculation that comes out, at this point can add a little more bit of lubricant if one wants. You have to make sure there are no air bubbles and all kind of smooth here. When penetration occurs. Once ejaculation has occurred. The male or the partner holds on to the ring on the condom to gently pull out of their partner, turn away from their partner and then removes the condom. We can make a little knot in it if you want, or roll it up in a piece of paper and throw it in the trash.

Health Educator, Minerva Cano, shares advice on the proper application and how to use condoms in order to ensure their maximum effectiveness


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Minerva Cano

Health Educator

Minerva Cano has served as a Health Educator in the Parent and Adult Program at Planned Parenthood, Los Angeles since 2010. Prior to joining Planned Parenthood, Minerva directed an elementary school family resource center for 10 years. There she helped families obtain the necessary resources for their chlidren to excel in school. 

As a mother of two, Minerva understands the importance of parent-child communication, particularly in the area of sexuality, puberty and relationships. As a memeber of Planned Parenthood's Parent and Adult Health Education team, Minerva and her colleagues work every day to help parents gain the knowledge and confidence they need to engage their children in these important converstations. Through presentations in homes, schools, churches, temples and community oraginizations parents are taught how to answer their children's questions openly and honestly. 
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