Same-sex adoptions

Felice Webster, Adoption Attorney, explains the options available for same-sex couples looking to adopt and discuss how it is becoming more accepted
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Same-sex adoptions

Same-sex couples are able to adopt in certain jurisdictions. For example, in California where I practice, same-sex couples are able to adopt through the foster care system, through private adoptions, through agencies. They are able to do that. In other states, where it isn't allowed, they are not able to adopt. Are mothers choosing same-sex couples to adopt their children? The answer is, yes. They are more and more. As society is changing and there are more same-sex families, it is more accepted in the world. Same-sex couples are definitely being picked by birth moms. Birth moms want to pick the best family for their babies. Often, that could be a same-sex couple. It is a question of a match. It is a question of the chemistry between the birth mother and the prospective adoptive couple, whether it is a same-sex couple or a heterosexual couple. I would absolutely encourage same-sex couples to look into adoption, if it is legal where they are, and to consider adoption.

Felice Webster, Adoption Attorney, explains the options available for same-sex couples looking to adopt and discuss how it is becoming more accepted


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Felice Webster

Adoption Attorney

Felice Webster has been an Adoption Attorney for over 25 years. It is her privilege to help families come together by adoption, both in independent, stepparent, foster parent, and adult adoptions as well as in re-adoptions of internationally adopted children. She is a Fellow of both the American Academy of Adoption Attorneys and the Academy of California Adoption Lawyers. She enjoys being a frequent speaker on adoption and dependency law at adoption seminars and for foster parent agencies. Felice has been married for over 35 years and has two kids.

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