Concerns about being able to afford divorce fees
Laura Wasser, Divorce Attorney, shares advice for partners considering divorce in regards to their concerns about being able to afford divorce fees
I think a lot of people have a fear about the finances of a divorce. Most states take into consideration that one party will be the earning spouse and one party isn’t, or that there is a disparity in income. Most states want there be parity or an equal playing field, so when you say, “I don’t have any money to afford an attorney,” your ex will be paying for all or some of your attorney’s fees in order that both of you have a voice with the courts and have an opportunity to be well represented in whatever your financial and custodial settlement is.
Laura Wasser, Divorce Attorney, shares advice for partners considering divorce in regards to their concerns about being able to afford divorce fees
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Laura WasserFamily Law Attorney
Laura has been a family law practitioner for nearly 20 years. Her practice focuses on the separation and reconfiguration of families. Being a child of divorce, and having personal and professional experience in this field, she believes that she can do better for the children of today and help with an oxymoron: a “good divorce”. Laura is the author of It Doesn't Have to be That Way: How to Divorce Without Destroying Your Family or Bankrupting Yourself.
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