Knowing when it's worth it to divorce

Laura Wasser, Divorce Attorney, shares advice for parents on how to know whether or not it is worth it to get a divorce
Advice When Considering Divorce | Knowing If It's Worth It
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Knowing when it's worth it to divorce

How do you know when it's worth getting a divorce. Worth here is a subjective term. Worth getting a divorce. Financially speaking is probably never worth getting a divorce. But emotionally speaking, and that's going to stay with your longer, it probably is worth getting a divorce if you have tried to fix the marriage, fixed the relationship, and not been able to. If you've exhausted your possibilities of working it out, then it is worth it to your partner and to your kids to try to get into a happier situation, which will probably not happen immediately. It will get worse before it gets better. But then it will be worth that turnaround in the relationship and within the family, emotional stability and adaptiveness of your kids.

Laura Wasser, Divorce Attorney, shares advice for parents on how to know whether or not it is worth it to get a divorce


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Laura Wasser

Family Law Attorney

Laura has been a family law practitioner for nearly 20 years. Her practice focuses on the separation and reconfiguration of families. Being a child of divorce, and having personal and professional experience in this field, she believes that she can do better for the children of today and help with an oxymoron: a “good divorce”. Laura is the author of It Doesn't Have to be That Way: How to Divorce Without Destroying Your Family or Bankrupting Yourself.

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