Helping a child deal with change during a divorce

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Helping a child deal with change during a divorce | Kids in the House
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Helping a child deal with change during a divorce

I think it is really easy to be nostalgic for the way it was when you are spending time out with your ex husband and your child or your children. I know that for a fact that my child was nostalgic for the way it was because she was asking to spend time together in situations where we would be cuddling in bed and she wanted daddy there. When we would go to a movie and she wanted daddy there. There were several situations where she actually wanted the three of us to be together and the way I coped with it myself was to sort of grieve the relationship the same way I would grieve a death. I went through the five stages of death because it was essentially to me the death of a relationship. And I wanted her to be able to cope the same way. And in order for her to have some finality with the divorce, I had to let her know that these were things we were no longer going to be doing together, that even though she was nostalgic for us to be a family again, that we weren´t going to be a family again. And I had to let her grieve through the process and just support her through it. And eventually she came to accept it and she has been fine since she went through that whole grieving process. But it was a challenge and we made it through.

See Michelle Mahendra's video on Helping a child deal with change during a divorce...


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Michelle Mahendra

Mom & Herbalist

Michelle Mahendra is an Herbalist and the Marketing Director of a new tea import company. The divorced mother of a four year old girl, Michelle graduated from the Tai Sophia Institute in Laurel, Maryland with a Masters of Science Degree in Herbal Medicine – the highest level of education available in the United States in this specialty.

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