Meet Kimberlee Mitchell
Watch Video: Meet Kimberlee Mitchell by Kimberlee Mitchell, ...
I am Kimberly Mitchell and I am a child safety expert. I am the owner and founder of Boo Boo Busters. My business is helping parents create safe home environments for their little ones. I am a mom of two. I have a 10 year old daughter and an 8 year old boy, and I am a native Californian who loves to surf and enjoy fun outside time with my family.
Watch Video: Meet Kimberlee Mitchell by Kimberlee Mitchell, ...
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Kimberlee MitchellChild Safety Expert
Kimberlee's callling is to be a wife and momma to two amazing kids. As a national child safety expert, in the unintentional child injury prevention industry, her mission is to educate parents as to how they can arm themselves with critical informaiton and the best practices to keep their children safe from needless serious injury. She hopes to help curb injury and death due to parents overlooking both common and hidden child safety hazzards in the home, yard, and car. The best protection is prevention....get ahead of the curve and childproof during pregnancy!
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