How to baby proof in phases

Child Safety Expert Kimberlee Mitchell shares advice for parents on how to baby proof your home in phases in order to make it safe for your newborn
How to Baby Proof Your House in Phases
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How to baby proof in phases

It’s best to tackle baby proofing in phases and it will help from both the overwhelming standpoint and the budget standpoint. So I would say first start with the crib and make sure that everything is up to JPMA standards and that that sleep area is completely safe for your newborn. Second, go to the family area – family room, great room – wherever it is that you’re going to be spending time as a family and playing together and make sure that that room is baby safe. And then third, the car is really the third environment where your child is really going to be spending the most time. Make sure that the car seat is the appropriate car seat for your child’s age, height and weight.

Child Safety Expert Kimberlee Mitchell shares advice for parents on how to baby proof your home in phases in order to make it safe for your newborn


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Kimberlee Mitchell

Child Safety Expert

Kimberlee's callling is to be a wife and momma to two amazing kids. As a national child safety expert, in the unintentional child injury prevention industry, her mission is to educate parents as to how they can arm themselves with critical informaiton and the best practices to keep their children safe from needless serious injury. She hopes to help curb injury and death due to parents overlooking both common and hidden child safety hazzards in the home, yard, and car. The best protection is prevention....get ahead of the curve and childproof during pregnancy!

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