Challenges faced by dads who are the primary parent

Chen Oren, PhD Psychologist & Author, shares expert advice for dads who are the primary parent on how to overcome the common challenges faced by them
Challenges Faced By Dads Who Are The Primary Parent
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Challenges faced by dads who are the primary parent

What are some of the problems that stay-at-home fathers, single fathers or divorced fathers experience? In today's society, there's a lot of fathers that become the primary caretaker for their children. And for those fathers, the adjustment is not very easy. Not only they experience the regular challenges that fathers experience, they also have some added challenges that are related to our society system and some experiences of isolation. It is often that I hear from fathers, for example, when they go to the park with their children and try to connect with mothers that bring their children to the park, that there is some hesitancy and distance because the fathers are there and mothers are not used to that. I also hear stories from single fathers who try to make play dates and the mothers are not always that comfortable with bringing their kids, especially if it's daughters, to the father's house. Those challenges make life a little more difficult for stay-at-home fathers. I think it's very important for stay-at-home fathers or single fathers to be able to communicate some of their concerns, to be able to connect with other fathers that are in the same situations, also seek professional help such as individual therapy, couples therapy, or groups; there's fathers groups and mens groups that can be very helpful for fathers to be able to release some of their concerns and connect with other fathers.

Chen Oren, PhD Psychologist & Author, shares expert advice for dads who are the primary parent on how to overcome the common challenges faced by them


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Chen Oren, PhD

Psychologist & Author

Chen Z. Oren, PhD, is a psychologist with a private practice in Westlake Village, CA. He is also a researcher, author, and speaker. Dr. Oren specializes in the psychology of men, fathers, and athletes.  He counsels men, women, couples, and athletes and co-leads a weekly men's group.   Dr. Oren’s work with men and fathers is focused on understanding their own experiences, challenges, and strengths to help them become fathers.  He serves on the board of the American Psychological Association, Division 51, the Study of the Psychology or Men and Masculinity.  He speaks locally and nationally on issues related to men and fathering issues, diversity, and effective counseling.  His book, Counseling Fathers (Routledge), is designed to bridge the gap between fathers and professional helpers. He has ongoing research on fathers and therapy that looks closely at the experiences of fathers to better understand their strengths and their struggles. Dr. Oren received his Ph.D. in counseling psychology from USC.

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