How fathers can balance work and family

Todd Adams describes work life balance for dads
How fathers can balance work and family | Kids in the House
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How fathers can balance work and family


Todd Adams describes work life balance for dads


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Todd Adams

Podcast Host, Teacher

Todd Adams is co-founder of Be U, Inc. and co-host of Zen Parenting Radio. Todd is a certified instructor for the Institute of Heartmath where he was trained in stress reduction and relaxation. He is co-facilitator of a local men’s group called The Tribe where he leads monthly meetings and offers  annual adventure retreats. Todd recently completed his New Warrior Training through The ManKind Project, and he’s a blogger for The Good Men Project. Todd is a soccer coach and a Junior Achievement Educator at the elementary school level. He teaches parenting and self-awareness classes with his wife Cathy.  He’s also a sales rep for JVI Inc., a real estate investor in Chicagoland, and he’s the father of three daughters.

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