Tuberculosis risk and exposure

Pediatrician Lawrence Ross, MD Infections Disease, Children's Hospital Los Angeles, explains tuberculosis in the United States is at its lowest point ever, but what can be done to eradicate it entirely
Tuberculosis In Children - Risk & Exposure
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Tuberculosis risk and exposure

Tuberculosis in the United States is at it's lowest point, ever. But that's not true of the whole world. In fact, one-third of the world's population is infected with Tuberculosis. We know that because of travel patterns, living patterns, our job patterns; our teenagers and our young adults will be traveling all over the world, in places where Tuberculosis is not controlled. There is always going to be a risk or there is a risk still of acquiring Tuberculosis. What we need to prevent this, is to develop a vaccine to give to all of humanity, that will be effective against Tuberculosis. We do have a vaccine now that is given to 85 percent of babies in the world. This is given to babies in countries where Tuberculosis is not well controlled. It is somewhat effective in children. It is not 100 percent effective. We are hoping that we will get much better vaccines in the next decade.

Pediatrician Lawrence Ross, MD Infections Disease, Children's Hospital Los Angeles, explains tuberculosis in the United States is at its lowest point ever, but what can be done to eradicate it entirely


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Lawrence Ross, MD

Pediatrician, Infectious Disease, Children's Hospital Los Angeles

Dr. Lawrence A. Ross is a pediatrician and expert in infectious diseases.  He has been a full-time member of the Division of Infectious Disease at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles since 1978 and has served as Hospital Infection Control Officer as well as the Chairperson of the Infection Control Committee for 20 years.  He is also a Professor of Clinical Pediatrics at the Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California.  Dr. Ross graduated from the University of Illinois and subsequently attended medical school at the Chicago Medical School in Chicago. He completed residency training in Pediatrics at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, followed by fellowships in Pediatric Infectious Diseases at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles and the Los Angeles County/University of Southern California School of Medicine. From 1981-1985, Dr. Ross served as the coordinator of the intern and residency program at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. His areas of interest have included epidemiology of nosocomial infections as well as clinical aspects of care for patients with immune compromising diseases including patients with HIV infection. 

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