Even the experts make parenting mistakes

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Even the experts make parenting mistakes | Kids in the House
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Even the experts make parenting mistakes

Even though I'm a pediatrician, I'm still a mom, and I make mistakes too. And sometimes I find myself saying things that I advise other people not to say. I can recall a night out for dinner with my kids and my grandparents. We're sitting at a fancy restaurant, and my son was not behaving. And I'm a big believer in small, repeatable consequences, but I really didn't want to get up from the table. I didn't want to take him from the car. I didn't want to remove him from the situation. I wanted to be part of the family meal. So as he's misbehaving, I start bribing him. If you just sit quietly, you'll be able to get dessert. If you stop doing that, we'll be able to get something tomorrow. And all of a sudden, in the midst of the conversation, my daughter looks at me and says, okay mom. Is that what the "parenting expert" would say? And I thought, oh my goodness! Leave it to my daughter to point out the places where I'm not parenting in the way I would recommend.

Watch Video: Even the experts make parenting mistakes by Alanna Levine, MD, ...


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Alanna Levine, MD

Pediatrician & Author

Dr. Alanna Levine is a New York-based pediatrician and a mom of two children.  As a spokesperson for the American Academy of Pediatrics, Dr. Levine frequently appears on television and in print speaking about breaking medical news and common parenting topics.  Dr. Levine is also a contributor for BabyCenter.com, on the board of advisors for GetSweaty.com, and on the executive committee for the American Academy of Pediatrics’ Council on Communications and Media.Dr. Levine sees patients at Orangetown Pediatric Associates in New York and is on staff at Nyack Hospital and Englewood Hospital and Medical Center.   She completed her internship and residency at the Mount Sinai Hospital, received her medical degree at Sackler School of Medicine in Tel Aviv, Israel, a master’s degree in medical sciences from Boston University, and a bachelor’s degree from the University of Wisconsin.

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