Thoughts on how to handle discipline

Learn about: Thoughts on how to handle discipline from Chris Rice,...
Thoughts on how to handle discipline | Kids in the House
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Thoughts on how to handle discipline

As a new parent, enforcing discipline is really tough because kids are cute and cuddly. Everything in your being wants to make those children happy at all times. The mere nature of discipline being what it is, they are not going to be happy. Establishing firm, fast and consistent forms of discipline very early, I think, is very important. Long term, your children will respect you a lot more for providing them firm boundaries and guidelines for their lives; and I think it makes for a healthier relationship overall.

Learn about: Thoughts on how to handle discipline from Chris Rice,...


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Chris Rice

Same Sex Parent

Chris Rice has two young children, ages two and three. He and his husband Joseph adopted their son and daughter - who are biological siblings - from the foster system. Chris works in real estate investment. Before becoming a dad, he enjoyed world travel. Now, the idea of dragging toddlers around the world makes him prefer reading about travel from the comfort of his own home. 

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