Baby bag necessities

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Baby bag necessities


What are the things that you really need in your baby bag when you leave the house? Well, when it's your first child you have that full baby bag full of everything, and you really don't need most of those things. With my third, I have my regular purse, and I make sure that I have a changing pad, a diaper, I have some wipes. If the baby took a pacifier I would have a clean pacifier in the bag. And of course if the child doesn't breast feed, I have a bottle and some formula. But the most important thing which I forget all the time is a clean outfit. I've been caught way too many times without having that clean outfit, and that baby has walked around naked. That's important. And then of course, your wallet, and I always throw in a nice lipstick in there so I feel nice and alive for the day.

BABY, Baby Gear, Diaper Bag

See Helena Heyman's video on Baby bag necessities...


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Helena Heyman

Literary Manager & Mom

Helena Heyman is a yoga-loving, working mother of three children aged seven, five and four months. She lives in the Los Angeles area, where she works as a literary manager. 

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