Preventing risk of bacterial infection from formula

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Preventing risk of bacterial infection from formula

Up until recently, The American Academy of Pediatrics actually recommended that you did not boil your water for your formula. They have since changed this recommendation and are now going by the World Health Organization rules; which are to boil your water, let it cool to about 70 degrees, then mix it with the powdered formula. At that temperature, the water is hot enough to kill the bacteria. This is a very safe way of doing this in terms of preventing bacterial infection, but I think there are other risks in that. Mostly, using water that hot, it hasn't proven that it doesn't cut down on vitamin and antioxidant qualities of your formula. A better approach, if your child is under three months old, is a preterm baby, or has any other health issues, try and use ready-to-use formula. Bacteria has never been found in that type of formula. If you are on a budget, the other thing you can do is use concentrated formula, which also comes in liquid form, and add water to make the formula up. This is good because powdered is really the problem here. Bacteria loves powder, so if you take the powder out of the equation, you are really cutting down on your risk. Lastly, if you do need to use powdered formula, make sure you are getting it from a good water source. Follow the rules. Don't let your baby drink from a bottle that they have already started drinking from after an hours time. If you've made the bottle, make sure you use it within two hours. Make smaller amounts and feed your baby that way. You are really cutting down on your risks that way.

See Suzanne Barston, CLC's video on Preventing risk of bacterial infection from formula...


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Suzanne Barston, CLC

Blogger & Author of Bottled Up

Suzanne Barston, CLC is the former Editor-in-Chief of Los Angeles Family Magazine, a Certified Lactation Counselor, and a freelance writer specializing in parenting, women’s interest, and science/health topics. She is the author of Bottled Up: How the Way We Feed Babies Has Come to Define Motherhood, and Why It Shouldn’t and blogs as her alter ego, the "Fearless Formula Feeder". "FFF", as it’s known to an international fan base representing over 40 countries, supports parents dealing with issues of guilt, fear, conflict and uncertainty regarding infant feeding difficulties and choices through critical assessments of research, pithy commentary, practical advice, and a weekly series allowing parents to share stories in a cathartic way. She is also the co-creator of the #ISupportYou movement. 

Barston was raised outside of Boston and earned her Bachelor of Science degree from Northwestern University in 2000. After living and working in Chicago and London, she now resides in Los Angeles with her husband, the photographer Steven Barston, and their two obnoxiously cute children. She and her husband were featured on two award-winning online reality series for, A Parent is Born and Welcome to Parenthood, about their pregnancy and first years as parents. Suzanne's writing and her work with FFF and Bottled Up have been featured in the New York Times, the Huffington Post,,, Pregnancy & Newborn Magazine, Parenting, Babytalk, OhBaby!, Fit Pregnancy, The Observer, Yahoo Shine!, Australia's Good Weekend magazine, and on a variety of radio programs including KPCC's "Take Two", numerous NPR affiliates, "Parenting Unplugged", "Positive Parenting", "Mom Enough", "For Crying Out Loud", "Voice of Russia", and more. Suzanne was honored to be one of the keynote Voices of the Year in 2012 for the annual BlogHer conference.

She currently works both as a writer and as an Infant Feeding Counselor. 


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