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Do You Read with Your Child Every Night?

Posted August 27, 2015 - 2:04pm

I have always read with my kiddos a minimum of 20 minutes per night. Do you have this ritual--?

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Mommy Ramblings

I love reading to my kids, we always read at bedtime. It is a loved ritual! 

Frugal Minded M...

We don't read together at nights.  I more fit it in through the day.  With all the different ages it gets crazy in the evening.  We do take a couple minutes for devotion together each night though.


We read every night together, from when they were babies up until about 3rd grade. We even brought books when we went on vacation to make the transition to bedtime in a strange room or bed easier. They kids (and I) loved it and I know it is a tradition they will continue on with their own kids.


We actually did have story time every night until my son turned 11..and is now too old for it...according to him. But, we do read our own books silently together sometimes before bedtime.


I loved doing it. So did the kids.


Story time was one of my favorite times when my son was younger. :)


I read to them before bedtimes!  I still do to my 10 year old son.


My kiddos still read on their own, but one of my favorite things with them is read as a family. My 25 year old and I still read together. He is goign to college in another state, so we are reading the classics and discussing them in email and text and phone conversation together. It is an amazing time of sharing.


We do bedtime stories; however, it is not every night. When we go to functions that run late or I cover a media event during the evening we miss story time. However, it is something that is a top priority to do when we can. My oldest loves to assist with story time too, since he is learning to read.