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MOMS— How Many Hours of Sleep Do YOU Get a Night?

Posted September 28, 2015 - 10:49pm

We all know the recommended amount of sleep is 8 hours a night for adults but do YOU get it?

And do you ever nap??

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Most women suffer from sleeping difficulties during pregnancy. It rings even truer as you approach the third trimester. Aside from being constantly exhausted, you may also struggle to find the right sleeping position and feel uncomfortable with your growing tummy. If ignored, body pains and sleepless nights might end up constituting your daily life. Fortunately, C-shaped pregnancy pillows can make things much easier for you.


As a mom my sleep schedule is not so good, on a lucky day i get 5 -6 hours of sleep and taking naps throughout the day helps me keep my energy level up , although I love puttin on a natural relief oil to calm the body pain that i get and it even helps me relax my muscles . I have been using the one by the moms co. and it is magical!


As a mom my sleep schedule is not so good, on a lucky day i get 5 -6 hours of sleep and taking naps throughout the day helps me keep my energy level up , although I love puttin on a natural relief oil to calm the body pain that i get and it even helps me relax my muscles . I have been using the one by the moms co. and it is magical!


mine is 7-8 hours a day, though I am not able to get naps but the sleep hours is more than enough. 

Renata Lander

It sounds funny, but everyone told me: "Forget about dreaming". Now I understand that they weren't joking. The norm sleep for me is 8-9 hours, of which at best it turns out 6 hours on weekends. As I work, many projects have to be closed at night and after it, it's difficult to sleep because of nervousness. The younger son also has nightmares and I have to wake up several times a night. I am looking forward to the moment when I can have a rest and in the meantime, I am going to finish another project. Good luck to you!