What to do when your kids see sexual content online

Watch Video: What to do when your kids see sexual content online by Caroline Knorr, ...
What to do when your kids see sexual content online | Kids in the House
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What to do when your kids see sexual content online

We're living in a day and age where kids are getting exposed to age inappropriate content from many different sources, so I really recommend that parents try to manage it rather than control it. I do think you should talk to your kids about what they've seen, tell them to tell you if they've seen something inappropriate and it's also really essential that kids understand the difference between something personal and something impersonal. So, if a friend has shown them maybe a nude scene from a movie that they shouldn't have seen, that's one thing, but if a friend shows them an inappropriate picture of a friend, that's another thing, it's potentially illegal and they should definitely tell a parent. Talk to your kid about what they have seen, ask them questions about it and make sure that you don't over-talk it; a lot of times, parents tend to over-communicate, because they are so nervous about what their kid has seen, but a lot of times we end up complicating the issue, so ask questions before you try and say anything about it and then, during the conversation, make sure that you impart your own values, so what kids are picking up from the lesson is what you believe is the appropriate thing.

Watch Video: What to do when your kids see sexual content online by Caroline Knorr, ...


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Caroline Knorr

Parenting Editor, Common Sense Media

As Common Sense Media's parenting editor, Caroline helps parents make sense of what’s going on in their kids' media lives. From games to cell phones to movies and more, if you're wondering "what’s the right age for…?", Caroline can help you make the decision that works best for your family. She has more than 20 years of editorial and creative marketing writing experience and has held senior-level positions at Walmart.com, Walmart stores, Cnet, and Bay Area Parent magazine. She specializes in translating complex information into bite-sized chunks to help families make informed choices about what their kids watch, play, read, and do. And she's the proud mom of a teenage son whose media passions include Star Wars, StarCraft, graphic novels, and the radio program This American Life

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