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Are you diligent about getting your medical checkups?

Posted September 21, 2015 - 6:18am

Are you a stickler for getting your yearly physical, OB GYN annual, Mamograms(if you are 40 or older or have a history of Breast Cancer), colonoscopy etc.?

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*sigh* I only go to the doctor is there is something terribly wrong. I haven't been in probably 10 years...and that was because I was pregnant.

Frugal Minded M...

Not as good as I should be.  I did go for yearly exam last year, but sometimes skip years.  As far as a full physical (non-ob) related, I've only had one of those in the last 5 years.  Like Jonbon I tend to go only when I can't eal with something. 


I am on the birth control pill and my doctor won't refill it unless I get my annual checkup so I don't have much choice! ;)  I'm not yet to the point of needing mamograms or a colonoscopy yet.


I don't have insurance at moment, so only when I'm not feeling well. I've seen doctors be wrong so many times, they're not infallible.


I'm pretty good about GYN visits because I have a health history that demands I be pretty diligent. But not so good about colonoscopy. I've been due for one for almost a year. I need to get on that... 


I am pretty good about it...maybe because I do take blood pressure meds and have to see my primary doctor every 6-7 months. The only one I am late on at times is the mammogram appts...sigh..not my favorite!

Your Kid's Table

I keep up with my gyn visits, and just had a baby a year ago so I feel like I've been checked over well! However, I could be better with seeing a regular dr.


I am woe-fully not up-to-date on my mammograms, so I know I need to take care of that. I just recently started getting my yearly gyn exams a couple of years ago, but before that I think there was a 4 year gap. But general doctor visits I only tend to do when something goes wrong.


yes..funny thing is I do have high blood pressure (controlled by meds) but my bp is ALWAYS higher when I go see my doctor. 


yes, doctor visits have never been a favorite of mine! :(

Frugal Minded M...

With you there.  Totally have white coat phobia and my blood pressure sky rockets with just the thought of going.


My own mom died when she was 51 and I am a single mom so I am very vigilant when it comes to my healthcare. I want to outlive her age and be there for my children.


Very good point! I want to be there for my son too...and he is only 11...I want to live to see him marry and have kids hopefully. :)