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How do I finish my work without neglecting my kids?

Posted February 22, 2013 - 4:50pm
I work at home and always seem to not be finished with work and tend to neglect my kids even after my day should be over

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Robin Smalley
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Parent with a Purpose & Co-Founder of mothers2mothers
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I recommend the Brooke Burke videos! They are so helpful in finding that balance and ditching that guilt a lot of working moms feel.

I have the exact same problem. It's awful. I've been trying to work on being really present for at least 2 hours a day - so, between 4-6 I turn off the computer and give them as much quality time as I can. I think it is quality, not quantity that helps.

This is a great idea! Turning off all electronics just to have that 30 minutes is enough, I've found.

It can be helpful to set a kitchen timer for being on duty with your kids, available, present, and then set the timer where you will be otherwise focused. Set them up with an activity or have them tell you their "plan" for what they'll do during the "work" time, and then everyone is focused, timer goes off, and everyone can interact. I think this helps contain the work energy, and stop the tendency to be continually half-focused on each task. Good luck!!


This video has some great ideas on how to work at home, but not neglect your kids. 

Samantha Ettus, MBA
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Lifestyle Expert for Working Moms


Awesome video, thanks for the link!


I understand where you're coming from. I don't work at home, but often I find myself thinking about projects I left at work when I should be enjoying time with my children. I've really just tried to focus my attention on my kids whenever I'm having non-work time. Make sure that your work time doesn't bleed over into family time, you don't want to create a slippery slope towards your children feeling alone. You've got this! 


When I worked from home we made it work by my working during their naptime. I could establish small projects they could do on their own that were quiet and didn't require a lot of hands-on--coloring for 30 minutes. Learning to cut circles out of paper. Ialso found great help in a rotation mom group--like "the joy of learning"...where 5-6 moms rotate duties caring and teaching a child for 2 hours, once or twice a week. It gives you a few weeks off to work, and then you host one week. You might also consider hiring a teenager for after school care while you work.


Sometimes, I wish I have enough time for both...I do try, though :)


I've struggled with this over the summer. What I ended up doing when I had a deadline to meet was set my kids up with something to do, or some sort of ideas of what to do, and tell them that I needed one hour with no interruptions. It worked, but was hard. I like the suggestion in the video of setting "work hours" - I think I may have to do that.


I do think having a "mother's helper" type person to help out, even just a few hours a few times a week will ease the pressure for you. You will know your children are getting attention and some fun times with a caring babysitter while you are able to complete your work. That may make for a much easier night for all!


Oooh, this is something I struggle with constantly! I remember when I first started working from home I made a "Work from Home Manifesto" and posted it above my desk. It included things like "work stays at my desk" and "Once I close my office door, it's family time." I wish I could say I stuck to all my rules, but it's tough...especially when deadlines are looming and I'm worried that I won't get all my work done unless I infringe upon family time a little bit. But my goal for this year to to change the dynamic and really focus on putting the work down and closing the computer once I leave to go get my kids from the pick-up line at school. It's definitely a work in progress, though.


I tell people my office is closed at 6pm. Then I make sure to stay unavailable as much as possible. I hang up the closed sign.