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Keeping your home office and classroom clean

Posted March 25, 2018 - 3:07am

Since I've decided on homeschooling (I was talking about it here) I'm all about preparing myself for an exciting year. I'm thinking about the maintenance. I really don't know how I'm going to keep it clean and neat while I'm homeschooling my kid, working and being a homekeeper (can't forget about my younger one). So I'm thinking about getting some help. My best friend is a small business owner and she is very happy with her office cleaning service  so I'm considering a professional help. Is there any paret with a similar life choice that could tell me about his/hers experience? How are you keeping it all together?

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Renata Lander

Don't ask how I handle it. For the most part, cleaning takes all weekend. I read a lot about minimalism and plan to reduce the number of things in the house. Instead of two hours on Sunday, cleaning takes up all my free time. So I understand perfectly well your desire for help. Perhaps I should also think about it.