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kids of divorce s- which is better: two homes or one?

Posted May 25, 2013 - 11:57am
Hello forum friends, My subject or research right now, Is the psychological implications of living between two worlds after a divorce. Is joint residential custody better or worse for those children? much data is coming forth indicating that children need one home and having one parent as a primary residential parent is better for the child of divorce. It prevents the confusion and promotes the senses of belonging in a home-base, rather than living a split life resulting in a lack of sense of belonging. What do you think? Than you for your input.

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From my own personal experience coming from divorced parents, it was much better for me to have one home base. My parents lived in diffferent cities, and having a split homelife would have caused so much more stress in my life than I needed to take on as a kid. I saw my dad often, but always knew that my home base was at my mother's house. I would not go back and make any changes to this living arrangement and feel that it was the best situation for me.


One home base is best, in my opinon. It allows a child to form roots, have things as they like it. Still seeing both parents, but knowing that when they return, there is their space, their life and their time to just be a kid.


I am a child of divorce and for me personally I liked the security and comfort of having one home base. I had my room and my toys and my friends that were familiar to me. My father had visitation. I would not have enjoyed the experience of having two homes to divide my things and my emotional attachment to. 


As a child of divorce myself, I have to agree with having one home. I think it's hard for kids to feel emotionally stable with having two homes. It would have been hard for me, at least. 


 In my opinion, one home is the best.