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This man didn't seem to have a teen problem with any of his teens taking charge at any point.

Posted February 26, 2013 - 1:17pm
What did you do to avoid any of your teenagers from taking charge and making you be the side kick and not the person in charge.

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I've found with my teenagers that it is a very fine line between being the authority figure and being their friend. You cannot be scared to discipline your kids with the fear that they will hate you and not want to be your friend. Your job as the parent is to remain firm and consistent with your rules and expectations. There will be plenty of fights and they will say that you are being unfair, but try your hardest to stand strong so that you are always seen as the person in charge.


This video is spot on! Great advice and I have even noticed this myself when I have been out with people drinking and I choose not to drink. Love this guy's sensibility!

Marshall Herff

Good video


It's all about fostering a relationship based on respect! If your children respect and trust you, they won't want to let you down once you've set expectations and family rules.


Exactly!  It's all about being consistent, you can't be totally ok with an action one minute and then blowing up at it the next.  I try to keep an even keel on me so when I do lose it and need to hand out punishment, it holds more weight than if I yelled about every little thing that got under my skin.