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Posted September 25, 2015 - 4:46pm

How many times a day do your kids have snacks? Now that mine are back in school it's much more regulated but during the summer they wanted snacks constantly! What are your go-to healthy snacks for on-the-go?

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Frugal Minded M...

My go to is fruit or vegetables.  Mine aren't huge snackers though, but now tht they are in school of course they come home and chow down.  In addition to fruit and veggies they also like toast.


I wish I could get my kids to eat more veggies.  They love fruit though.


fruit, cheesesticks, beef jerky, mini muffins for us


Ah, yes!  I need to make up a bunch of mini muffins.  We like pumpkin or banana!


Fruit, yogurt and cheesesticks are a hit here too! Veggies are tough..wish my son liked them more than he does.

Mommy Ramblings

I never really thought about it but in school like you said it is easier, they have a snack in school and something when they get home. During the summer we sometimes find we are going and going and then like, wait we have to eat. LOL

Your Kid's Table

Being an OT I am really strict about this. My kids eat (most of the time) every 2.5-3 hours apart. So they usually have a snack in the afternoon, but it is a scheduled time that they sit down and eat. I don't allow any type of snacking in between because small amounts of food can wreck a kid's appetite.


My mom didn't allow snacking when we were growing up. Everything was very structured. 


That's what I worry about.  They want a snack as soon as they get home from school but that's when I start dinner because we have sports practices.  Sometimes I let them eat something while I'm making dinner because they act like they are going to die if they don't eat (LOL) but in my head I'm counting it as part of their dinner so it won't bother me as much.  Usually yogurt or cheese...


I think yogurt is a good offers protein to hold them over. There is a struggle I think in every home to balance meal time with schedules. We all get home at varied times...then dinner starts. Snacking keeps us all sane.


I always kept a bowl of fruit in the fridge. I was very stingy with the unhealthy snacks. We had to limit the sugar because of my allergies & my son's hyperactivity. Chips and crackers were ok.


Growing up, snacks were not allowed at my house. We have a huge fruit bowl that the kiddos can eat anything out of when they want. After school, we offer cheese, nuts, fruit and juice or milk. 


During the summer I always give them morning snack and afternoon snack, like they have in school. I try to always have fresh fruit for them and the veggies they'll eat -- carrots, red peppers -- ready for them to snack on. Cheese is a favorite, too. I have to watch my youngest with snacks. She would  snack all day if I let her.


Yes, that's the same snack scheduled that I try to follow but it seems like they pester me for snacks all the time!


I think have the time when they are asking for snacks what they really need is water. In the summer I will tell them to finish their water and let me know if they are still hungry when they are done with it. Sometimes they aren't. 


My son isn't big on snacks unless we ar eout and about. Then it usually is crackers, cheese..things like that. I try to get him to snack on fruit but sometimes that it tough. Yogurt is pretty big when we are home too.


We do yogurt a lot too, with granola on top!


I love yogurt with granola on top! :)


My son has Type 1 diabetes and he needs snacks that don't have a lot of sugar. As much as I want him to eat fruit, when he is on the go he he needs some non-carb foods. Laughing cow cheese, cheese sticks, salami and such are good for him. Also yogurts are ok.


My kid wants snacks after every 3-4 hours, so I always choose healthy snacks, which includes lots of green vegetables, brown bread and much more. 
