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Who is your parenting role model?

Posted August 24, 2015 - 6:07am

It's tough being a parent, who do you feel is your parenting role model?

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Frugal Minded M...

Would definitely be my parents.  There are some things I change that they did, but over all think I turned out pretty good.


This is great that you recognize your parents weren't perfect, yet did well enough they are your role models.


I have a dear friend who was a single mom that struggled financially. She alone raised two productive, polite and caring boys who turned out to be wonderful fathers and partners. She always kept a positive attitude no matter what was thrown at her. I try and stay positive and keep in mind that the end result is worth it!


What an incredible woman your friend is. She sounds like a great role model. I bet she is also a great listener with sound advice.


Unfortunately, I'd like to say my parents, but even though my mom was crazy about us, she was not someone I'd pick. She let us get away with absolute murder. She never enforced rules! I just faked it til I got it right. I made a lot of mistakes, but my kids turned out just fine & knew they have my unconditional love & acceptance.


I love your honest answer. It's great that you acknowledge your mom's positives, which also seem to be some of the things that lead you to not choose her as a role model. Parenting by trial is a well-traveled path I think.


Thanx Bonjovious! :)


I have to say I don't have one. My parents are so different than me and their lives were so different than mine that it's really apples and oranges. My husband and I are really just making it up as we go along.


I love this! Individuality is supreme!

Mommy Ramblings

My parents were great, I think I have a lot of that in my style but it is not something I really copy. I kind of just went with the flow and found my own style. LOL.