How to find the root issue of your child's explosions

Learn about: How to find the root issue of your child's explosions from Ross W. Greene, PhD,...
How to find the root issue of your child's explosions | Kids in the House
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How to find the root issue of your child's explosions

What the research of the last 40-50 years tells us is very simple. Behaviorally challenging kids are challenging because they're lacking the skills to not be challenging. If they had the skills to not be challenging, they wouldn't be challenging, because kids do well if they can. What's getting in the way for behaviorally challenging kids - lagging skills. And the research that has accumulated over the last 40-50 years has been quite explicit about what those lagging skills are. Generically they fall into a few different domains - flexibility, adaptability, frustration tolerance, problem-solving. But there are a whole bunch of additional skills that contribute to those more global skills. If you really want to understand what is setting the stage for your child to exhibit behavioral challenges, you're going to have to understand what skills he's lacking. And those lagging skills can fall into any of a variety of domains. Researchers tend to split them up as executive skills, language processing and communication skills, emotional recognition skills, cognitive and reflection skills, and social skills. Important to be a little bit more specific than that. But I can't overstate how important it is when an adult is first getting a handle on what's getting in this kid's way to figure out what skills the kid is lacking and if they can't do it on their own to get some help figuring out what skills the kid is lacking.

Learn about: How to find the root issue of your child's explosions from Ross W. Greene, PhD,...


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Ross W. Greene, PhD

Psychologist, Author & Researcher

Ross W. Greene, Ph.D., is the author of the well-known books The Explosive Child and Lost at School, and the originator of a model of care (now known as Collaborative & Proactive Solutions) emphasizing collaboration between kids and adults in resolving the problems contributing to children’s behavioral challenges.  He is also associate clinical professor in the Department of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, on the professional staff at the Cambridge Hospital, adjunct associate professor in the Department of Psychology at Virginia Tech, and senior lecturer in the graduate program in school psychology in the Department of Education at Tufts University.  Dr. Greene founded the non-profit Lives in the Balance to provide free, web-based resources on his model and to advocate on behalf of behaviorally challenging kids and their parents, teachers, and other caregivers.  He lectures widely throughout the world and lives in Portland, Maine, with his wife and two kids.

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