Genuine Encounter Moments (GEMs) with your child

Learn about: Genuine Encounter Moments (GEMs) with your child from Kim DeMarchi, MEd, CPE,...
Genuine Encounter Moments (GEMs) with your child | Kids in the House
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Genuine Encounter Moments (GEMs) with your child

Dorothy Higgs, author of Your Child´s Self Esteem, talks about GEMs. GEMs are genuine encounter moments. Basically it is 100% focused attention on your child. A GEM can occur any time, any place. It is typically a time where your child comes to you and wants to tell you something. They are seeking your attention. Maybe they come to you and say look at this beautiful caterpillar mommy. And you are really busy and you do want to give them the attention because you are busy. But if you do, take their lead. Stop what you are doing. Just say wow, tell me about that caterpillar. In less than 30 seconds, the time you could have been spending pushing them aside, you can make your child feel loved and understood and valued. Look at them in the eye. Touch them gently. And just take their lead. A genuine encounter moment is from the heart, not the head. It is not a lesson about caterpillars. It is not a phonics lesson that caterpillar begins with a C. It strictly is from the heart. It is that time where you and your child are totally connected.

Learn about: Genuine Encounter Moments (GEMs) with your child from Kim DeMarchi, MEd, CPE,...


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Kim DeMarchi, MEd, CPE

Parent Educator

is an Oregon resident, in the United States, with 18 year old boy/girl twins in the Tigard Tualatin School District, and has been an educator for almost three decades. She began her career as an elementary school teacher for 12 years, then worked as an elementary school administrator for 6 years, and then decided to dedicate herself to teaching parenting classes and workshops exclusively. Kim is trained and certified through a program called Positive Discipline by Jane Nelsen, as well by the International Network for Children and Families, in a program called Redirecting Children‘s Behavior. She also has taken recent trainings in the areas of Youth Mental Health First Aid, Adult Mental Health First Aid, ACES (Adverse Childhood Experiences), ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training), Trauma Informed Care, Smart Voices/Smart Choices: Parents Talking with Kids about Mental Wellness and Substance Use, and Making the Connection: Stress, Teen Brains & Building Resilience. Kim is active in supporting her local parenting community by providing workshops, classes, coaching families and writing monthly articles for two local newspapers Tualatin Times and Tigard Times. Kim is a monthly guest on KATU's Afternoon Live and an occasional guest on KATU's AM Northwest television show doing parenting segments. Kim also reaches thousands internationally through her close to one hundred 30 minute parenting podcasts found on her website. Additionally, Kim recently made her fifth trip to Asia during the last few years to teach and share her passion in raising cooperative, respectful, resilient and responsible children. Kim’s goal for you is to help reduce conflict, foster mutual respect, and create deeper communication and connections with your loved ones.

You can reach Kim and her resources at her website:

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