Communicating with your child's coach

Learn about: Communicating with your child's coach from Natalie Hawkins,...
Communicating with your child's coach | Kids in the House
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Communicating with your child's coach

I really feel that there should be an open line of communication between the parent and the coach in any sport and I really believe that it's not the parent's job to do the coaching. And a lot of times what I saw was parents trying to coach their children and that's what you pay the coach for, so you have to trust that the coach is going to do their job. On the other hand if you find that the coach is not doing the job that you know you would like them to do I really feel that, again, communication is the best form of getting to the result that you desire. Talk to the coach, explain to them what you're looking for and then if you can't find a resolution as in my case we had to look for another coach. And I think that you definitely need to be respectful, you definitely need to have, you know, a sit down meeting and share your feelings. You know, don't be afraid to open up and share what your expectations are from the coach because you're paying for a service and it's important that the coach understands exactly what you're looking for so that they have an opportunity to tell you if that's something that they feel they can, you know, reasonably accomplish.

Learn about: Communicating with your child's coach from Natalie Hawkins,...


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Natalie Hawkins

Mom & Manager

Natalie Hawkins is the mother of Gabrielle Douglas, 2012 Olympic All-Around Gold Medalist.  Virginia Beach native and single mother of 4, Hawkins faced many struggles putting Gabrielle through Olympic training, giving up everything she had to see her daughter succeed.  Hawkins allowed her daughter to leave their Virginia Beach home and close family bonds to pursue her dreams, train with Chow's Gymnastics in Iowa, and become the Olympian she is today.  Hawkins has since been honored in the P&G “Thank You Moms” campaign. 

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