Jobs Videos
Joline Godfrey, CEO of Independent Means, shares advice for parents on how to teach their kids entrepreneurial skills and how to make a job rather than just take a job
Is entrepreneurship inevitable? It’s a good question given the economic stakes at play in an economy increasingly reliant on small businesses to fuel sustainable... read more
View Robert K. Cooke, MEd's video on How to find out how a college's graduates do...
Pastor Jimmy Bartz discusses how to teach teens about pursuing their dreams and choosing a career path
Learn about: Support vs. over-parenting and your child's first job from Alanna Levine, MD,...
Learn about: Recommendations about teens and jobs from Stephen Gray Wallace, MS Ed,...
Learn about: Summer counts for college acceptance from Danny Ruderman,...
View Cynthia G. Whitham, LCSW's video on Benefits of teen jobs...
View Harry H. Harrison Jr.'s video on Why it's important for teens to have jobs...
Some parents worry about their sons and ask the question- how to toughen up your son. If you need advice in how to toughen up your son then the answers are here waiting... read more
Family Counselor & Author Michael Gurian, MFA, shares advice for parents on the benefits that giving your child jobs and chores has for helping them to develop character