Teaching kids about money in a society hooked on credit

Learn about: Teaching kids about money in a society hooked on credit from Gregg Murset, CFP,...
Teaching kids about money in a society hooked on credit | Kids in the House
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Teaching kids about money in a society hooked on credit

Imagine sitting your kids down and telling them, "We don't have the money, but we're gonna just buy this, anyways." It's such a mixed message and it totally destroys their ability to understand in a really meaningful way, sound financial fundamentals. So credit is really starting to destroy our kids' ability to even understand money management. And so we have to be really careful as parents to not send that message. Don't send the message in one ear that we can't afford this or we can't afford that, and then in the other ear, buy something with your card that you know you can't afford. When you do that, you're just completely confusing your kid and you're not gonna be able to teach them how to be responsible when they're an adult. So we have to be really careful about that. Credit cards are an epidemic. The average family in America has a $7200 balance on their credit card. If they pay the minimum on that card, it would take almost that exact amount of interest, $7200, to pay off the $7200. So credit is something that is really kind of deadly when it comes to teaching kids about good money practices. And we have to be really careful about how we send messages to our kids. So if we truly can't afford something, don't just charge it on the card and deal with it later and reinforce those bad practices with your kids. You have to really be careful when it comes to credit, so that they can understand good financial practices because you're modelling them.

Learn about: Teaching kids about money in a society hooked on credit from Gregg Murset, CFP,...


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Gregg Murset, CFP

Founder & CEO, MyJobChart.com

Gregg Murset, CFP, is the father of six children, a Certified Financial Planner and the Founder and CEO of the fastest growing website, MyJobChart.com, which teaches kids about work and money.

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