Early sex talks equal less rebellion

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Early sex talks equal less rebellion | Kids in the House
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Early sex talks equal less rebellion

Human development and sexuality education is crucial for a number of reasons. Perhaps most importantly, when we sit our kids down to have these conversations, and it will not be one conversation, it serves as a rite of passage in and of itself. That we are recognizing that our kids are ready to have this conversation, is a way of mirroring back to them that they're becoming more substantial. That there's greater responsibility put upon them and that their critical thinking skills have evolved to the point where they're ready to process this information. If we meet them there, if we meet their internal experience, the likelihood of them having to rebel or act out in order to feel substantial dissipates some and they can move in to the stage more gracefully and hopefully we can too.

Watch Video: Early sex talks equal less rebellion by Jonathan Nadlman, MFT, ...


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Jonathan Nadlman, MFT


Jonathan Nadlman, MFT, is a licensed psychotherapist in private practice since 1995, and has been counseling adults, couples, young people and their families for twenty-four years.  For the past seven years, he has been teaching Human Development and puberty as a rite-of-passage at many independent schools. Jonathan was the supervising therapist at Pacific Hills Middle and High School for six years. In addition, he is a facilitator of rites-of-passage workshops for adolescents teens and adults.  When he is not working, he can be found trying to change wood into art, learning his djembe, or in the garden with his wife and seven year old daughter. Or on occasion, if there's a swell, riding the California surf.

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